Welcome to BRAINMINDEVOLUTION.ORG NEURAL AND MENTAL EVOLUTION Origins of the human body, brain, behavior, consciousness, and culture by Joseph Altman illustrations by Shirley A. Bayer Front Matter Preface and Table of Contents Front Matter Preface and Table of Contents 01 Chapter Supernatural, Materialistic, and Biological Theories of Mind 02 Chapter From Sentience to Sensation: Mental Evolution from Protozoans to Agnathans 03 Chapter The Evolution of Body, Brain, Behavior, and Mind in Jawed Fishes 04 Chapter The Evolution of Body, Brain, Behavior, and Mind in Quadruped Amphibians and Reptiles 05 Chapter The Evolution of Body, Brain, Behavior, and Mind from Basal Mammals to Prosimians 06 Chapter The Evolution of Body and Brain, and of Sensory and Motor Processing in Monkeys 07 Chapter The Evolution of Higher Level Neural and Mental Functions in Monkeys 08 Chapter The Evolution of Body, Brain, Behavior, and Mind in Chimpanzees 09 Chapter The Evolution of Body, Brain, Behavior, Culture, and Mentality from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic 10 Chapter Technical, Social, Cultural and Mental Evolution from Archaic to Greek and Roman Civilizations 11 Chapter Technical, Social, Cultural and Mental Evolution During the Middle Ages 12 Chapter Technical, Social, Cultural and Mental Evolution From the Early Modern Age to the Present 13 Chapter Human Personality Differences and Individual Assimilation in Modern Societies Bibliography